
Published by:

Amy Cook, Orange County Register

March 15, 2017

We know Florence Nightingale as the mother of modern nursing, but did you know she is also believed to be the founder of holistic nursing? Although practiced for thousands of years, holistic medicine was not widely accepted by mainstream Western medicine. But as more patients faced limiting and lackluster solutions to their health problems, many turned to natural healing and alternative methods to relieve their pain or rid their body of disease. With the resurgence of holistic medicine, some nursing schools, such as Tennessee State University and Ameritech College are now offering holistic programs—with great results.

Here are three common methods used in holistic nursing that can help you augment your regular medical regimen and possibly speed up your recovery.


The practice of using water for therapeutic purposes dates back to 1700 B.C.E. “It’s based on the idea that water benefits the skin and might treat a range of conditions from acne to pain, swelling, and anxiety,” writes Laura Newcomer on the holistic health website greatest.com. The modern application of water therapy successfully controls pain relief, particularly in burn treatments. In other cases, pain is managed through underwater massage and mineral baths.


In practice since the late 1700s, homeopathy is based on two principles: First, disease can be treated by introducing a trace substance that causes an adverse reaction when taken in large doses but can be used in small amounts to treat the same symptoms (e.g., immunizations). The second principle is that only the minimum dose should be used to stimulate the body’s healing process. Treatments are customized to each person for individual care. For example, chamomilla can treat severe colic or painful teething in an infant. It encourages the body to soothe rather than using medicines that may exacerbate other symptoms.

Read the full article in Orange County Register.