
Congratulations Next Advanced Medicine for being published in Huffington Post.

Published by:

Marisa McPeck-Stringham, Huffington Post

June 1, 2016

Preventative medicine is rapidly becoming the focus of many doctors who would prefer to help their patients prevent rather than treat a disease like diabetes. Candice Hall, DC, is a California-based doctor doing just that to help treat many patients at her Irvine clinic and has noticed an increase in diabetes diagnoses. The odds are you or someone you know is dealing with this disease that affects 350 million people worldwide. Ninety percent of diabetes diagnoses are Type 2, which is the most common and preventable version of this disease. Twenty-nine million Americans are diagnosed with diabetes every year.

“Patients come into my office complaining about the horrible effects of the disease and all the medications they have been prescribed,” Hall said. “Some patients are on half a dozen different prescriptions to treat everything from their blood sugar levels to their high blood pressure, high cholesterol, neuropathy and even sleep disorders. It’s heartbreaking.”

Dr. Hall believes that this disease can be reversed and many of her patients have not only reported significantly lowered A1c levels (the 3-month average of blood glucose levels), but their physicians have taken them off a majority of their medications, which may include oral medications and regular insulin injections. A majority of those patients have seen weight loss as a result.

Dr. Hall is on a mission to stop the rapidly growing number of new diabetes diagnoses and shared 4 ways in which you can prevent Type 2 diabetes in your own family. These tips are not only preventative, but will help improve your overall health and quality of life.

Read the full article in HUFFPOST.